About the Guild
Welcome to the East Kingdom Blacksmith Guild!
We are a collection of medieval blacksmiths, bladesmiths, armorsmiths from all over the East Kingdom of the Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA). We are here to support any who want to learn how to be a blacksmith. If you are curious to making tools, blades, armor or more we want to help connect you to the smiths that can support you on your journey.
The East Kingdom Blacksmiths Guild was founded in AS LIV (54) by Lord Brandr Aronsson, Master Ulfgier Ragnarson, Lady Randve’ Litil Hamar, and Lord Ragnarr Blisskeg, The idea was to create a place where the craft of blacksmithing could be taught and discussed and to have a larger presence within the East Kingdom.
You can find our Guild By-Laws here.
Guild Officers
Guildmaster | tHL Brandr Aronsson |
Deputy Guildmaster | tHL Thomas of Mountain Freehold |
Southern Region Warden | tHL Brandr Aronsson and tHL Ragnarr Blaskegg |
Central Region Warden | Master Ulfgeirr Ragnarrson (The Nice) |
Northern Region Warden | tHL Christoff of Swampkeype and Lord Kelen O’Connor |
Tir Mara Region Warden | Vacant |
Secretary/Webminister | tHL Arnora Ketilsdottir |
About the SCA
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an inclusive community pursuing research and recreation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat, and culture. We work to gain knowledge of history through activities, demonstrations, and events.